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D2 Faith of Harmony Matriarchal Bow Total Perfect 15-2-3-15-3 39 Level Req LLD Hybrid UsEast Non Ladder
Price: $13.99

You are buying 1x Faith of Harmony Matriarchal Bow Total Perfect Bug Hybrid Runeword
This runeword was created with a special glitch that is no more possible. This is a "superior version Faith runeword" that compared to regular faith has additional:
+10 Dexterity
+9 to Minimum Damage
+9 to Maximum Damage

Also this runeword is a Total Perfect Faith Roll with:
+15 Fanaticism Aura when Equipped (Perfect)
+2 to All Skills (Perfect)

This runeword is made into a perfect Matriarchal Bow base with 15% Enhanced Defense & +3 Attack Rating & +3 Bow Skills. This item is 100% LEGIT!

This Faith of Harmony bow is the only Faith Hybrid bow with such 39 low level requirement. This is the BEST LLD / MLD bow ever existed!!!