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East Non Ladder/Body Armors Ormus Robes Random UsEast Non Ladder
East Non Ladder/Body Armors Crow Caw UsEast Non Ladder
East Non Ladder/Belts Thundergods Vigor UsEast Non Ladder
East Non Ladder/Shields Herald of Zakarum HOZ Ethereal 150-174% Enhanced Defense UsEast Non Ladder
East Non Ladder/Charms/Large & Small 20 Life Small Charm UsEast Non Ladder
East Non Ladder/Runewords/Runeword Weapons Grief Phase Blade +370-389 Damage UsEast Non Ladder
East Non Ladder/Godly Unperms Jewelers Sacred Rondache of Deflecting JSROD 45 All Resists 20 / -20 Light UsEast Non Ladder
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